About Us
Welbeck Road Evangelical Church is a Bible believing evangelical church based in Byker, Newcastle upon Tyne. To find out more about us please take some time to find out what we believe and learn more about the team at Welbeck Road Evangelical Church.
We meet together for worship on Sundays at 10.30 and 6.00. There is a Sunday School for Primary School aged children and a crèche for infants during our morning service.
There are various activities during the week for all ages and you will find further details here.
We pray together every Tuesday at 7.30 and once a month we meet in 3 home groups across Newcastle and Gateshead.
You are most welcome to join with us.
Membership at WREC
The Church distinguishes between ‘the members’ (those formally enrolled) and ‘the congregation’ (all those who meet within the context of the local church for corporate worship, prayer, Bible Study and fellowship).
According to our Church Constitution, admittance to membership is the responsibility of the Church who shall be advised by the Church Officers. For more information on this, please contact us.